Life moves on!

Well here we are in November! Where did the year go?
Updates -
Being a house husband and having a misses that only works school term time has some advantages, we had a total of 6 weeks away in the motorhome during the summer punctuated with K&L having it for 10 days holiday over to Harris.
After 18 months on the scrap heap and getting bored with being a house husband, I started working again early in October! I shouldn't complain as I'm loving the work side of it, its draw back is the traveling. Its a 75 mile round trip on a daily basis traipesing back and forth along the M74/M8 with a 0730 start in the morning and 1630 finish Mo toTh, 1230 finish on a Friday.
We finally laid my dear old aunt Enids remains to rest with the internment of her ashes in the Smith family grave at Wordwell in the middle of October
We helped to celebrate our Kev and Leah's joint 30th birthdays towards the end of October.
We have a new member in the family, a Blue Roan Cocker Spaniel Dog puppy, now 9 weeks old and called Harvey! Having done boarding for Guide Dogs for so many years but of course getting them when fully house trained, is a totally different experiance to having an 8 week old puppy to take from scratch! Lets just say, after the first week of s**t and pee everywhere, we wonder just where this will end up? Only time will tell! :)

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Tom published on November 20, 2017 8:17 PM.

A New year ... was the previous entry in this blog.

So much for regular updates! is the next entry in this blog.

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